Monday, November 1, 2010


* What is the cause of the seasons ?
The earth roundness around the sun .
There are four season in the year( Spring , Summer , Fall , Winter )
Each one of the seasons have special qualities.
Firest of all , Spring
In spring everything is coming back to life again. This is my favorite time in the year, because it has very nice weather , new flowers with many colors and fresh smells. I enjoy when birds sing in the early spring. In spring I go with my family to visit some places in my country such as zoo and farms. I believe spring is nice season.

Secondly, Summer
In my country the weather in the summer is very hot but in Calgary it's warm. We can go to the lake, parke and peach. Summer has many activities such as traveling, hiking and swimming.

Third, Fall
The weather in fall is variable such as fog, frost and early snow storms. I like when trees turn in different colour to yellow, orange and red. In fall season Thanksgiving is a long weekend to celebrate with family.

Finally, Winter
It's the coldest season in the year. Now the winter started in Calgary. Before I come to Canada my dream was to live in a coldtown, but I changed my mind . I don't like the winter because, it many causes flu, the winter clothes is very heavy and I can't go shopping, park, lake and beach.

In winter I will sit in my home and drink coffee, tea, hot chocolate.


  1. Don't worry, winter isn't always cold in Calgary! Sometimes we get chinooks, so the temperature can go up to 10 or 12C for a couple of days.

    Corrections: "Each one of the seasons has special qualities." "We can go to the lake, park and beach."

  2. good presentation I love it , mu favourite season is spring too

  3. Nice blog.I like summer,because it has many activites.
